What is colour blindness?
Colour blindness is more commonly referred to as being colour deficient. We are able to see colour through 3 receptors in our retina: a red cone, a blue cone and a green cone. Colour deficiency occurs when one or more of these cones are not functioning properly. Colour deficiency can be categorized into 3 groups:
1. Deutan – if you are green cone deficient
2. Protan – if you are red cone deficient
Patients that suffer from these colour deficiencies are born with it; it is genetic.
3. Tritan – if you are blue cone deficient
This colour deficiency is acquired, we develop it as we age.
Who is Affected?

Color deficiency is more common in men than in women. 1 in 12 men (8%) are color deficient compared to women, where 1 in 200 (0.5%) are color deficient.